使用服務 VIdegree

Skillful Management of 7000 Customer Profiles Translates Into an Astounding Sale Success Rate of 30%

Wei Qi-Rui Find Wed Marketing Director

We owe our quick response time and reliability to VIdegree's "tagging" and "e-mail" features. "We use supplier industry type, service provided and area located to group suppliers. Whenever customer requests are received, we use these tags to cross-analyze and create a list of suitable suppliers for them. After coming up with a list, we then e-mail them asking them for their schedule, and help pair them up with suppliers accordingly."

- Wei Qi-Rui Find Wed Marketing Director

We owe our quick response time and reliability to VIdegree's "tagging" and "e-mail" features. "We use supplier industry type, service provided and area located to group suppliers. Whenever customer requests are received, we use these tags to cross-analyze and create a list of suitable suppliers for them. After coming up with a list, we then e-mail them asking them for their schedule, and help pair them up with suppliers accordingly."

- Wei Qi-Rui Find Wed Marketing Director

Wedding preparations are often like hell for couples getting ready to tie the knot. The entire process not only tests the couple's patience for each other, but also the patience of their families with each other. The tasks that must be completed in preparation for a wedding, which range from searching for supplies, finding the perfect location and sampling food, results in both sides of the family being exhausted by the time they get together for the final discussions. "Find Wed" can help couples actually enjoy their weddings.

Find Wed's marketing director, Mr. Wei Qi-Rui expressed that when the CEO was initially creating this wedding portal, he had in mind hopes to improve the wedding preparation process for couples in Taiwan. His hope was to provide soon to be newlyweds with an online retail platform with quality certified wedding merchandise, while also providing a stable source of clientele for outstanding wedding service businesses and workers. What "Find Wed" sells is not just a web space, but a platform that touches everyone. Therefore, Find Wed took on an intermediary role, providing suppliers and couples with the most accurate and effective information.

There are currently over 1000 registered wedding preparation related service providers or vendors on the website. Supplier types range from wedding outfitters, wedding cake makers, wedding stylists, wedding photographers, and even beauty product suppliers. In addition, the site has continuing connections with another 5000 suppliers. Find Wed can be described as Taiwan's largest wedding merchandise retail platform and serves as a one-stop shop for wedding preparation related merchandise. With such a large number of suppliers and vendors, quality control takes quite a bit of skill. "All the suppliers are hand-picked by us. We look at things such as date of establishment whether they have negative reviews on the Internet to assess each supplier. In addition, suppliers are required to provide their real names and profile pictures for us to verify their identity. This helps reduce the risk of future disputes," explains Mr. Wei for us in detail.

With so many different wedding merchandise online retail portals, how does a company stand out and differentiate itself? "Other websites simply sell web space, they do not handle transactions. What makes us different is that couples can not only find the supplier they want, they can also pay directly online through the website by credit card." Mr. Wei also proudly emphasized that, "We even provide online customer service!" If couples don't have limited time to compare and search for a supplier, all they need to do is tell our customer service their needs. Our customer service team will find a list of suppliers matching their needs within two days. Customers can then get on the website to make their selection from a much more narrowed down list, then complete the purchase online. We owe our quick response time and reliability to VIdegree's "tagging" and "e-mail" features. "We use supplier industry type, service provided and area located to group suppliers. Whenever customer requests are received, we use these tags to cross-analyze and create a list of suitable suppliers for them. After coming up with a list, we then e-mail them asking them for their schedule, and help pair them up with suppliers accordingly."

Mr. Wei recalls that, before using VIdegree, "We really didn't have time to communicate or get into contact with suppliers. We would sometimes even just create new files on the computer to save the information of individual customers. Furthermore, I use a Mac, so word processing is really inconvenient." Luckily, some friends introduced me to VIdegree, "It caught my heart on day 1." Through VIdegree's e-mail, not only can we send greetings to all the suppliers, we can also conduct customer development. In addition, VIdegree's mobile application helps Mr. Wei keep track of meeting content and results when meeting with customers outside the office. Not only can the mobile app can also integrate Google Maps to show the location of nearby clients, it also allows  you to flexibly adjust your order of visitation. According to Wei, "This allows me to visit several clients a day!"

What surprises our partnered suppliers even more is that every time they call in, our customer service staff can always immediately recognize them. Thanks to VIdegree's caller ID feature, our staff is able to greet callers in a warm and personal manner. Also, because VIdegree goes beyond just providing us with caller ID, but also displays related memos or other relevant information, our staff is also immediately able to know what might have been previously discussed with a client. "The caller ID feature really has closed the distance between us and our clients and allowing us to continue giving them pleasant surprises!" Wei said.

finewed 1In the past 6-months of operations for Find Wed, an average of two couples have completed their purchases through our website. In addition, nearly 30% of all unique visitors end up making purchases from suppliers listed on our website. Our next mission will be to input the information collected on these customers to VIdegree. Not only will it allow us to manage the distribution of membership cards, it further allows us to perform data analysis using real consumer data. For example: rate of purchase, most purchased product types, and most popular suppliers. Know the above will allow us to help suppliers understand how best to promote their products. For example: host a gathering for all small-sized cake shops to discuss what the most popular types of cakes are, while also inviting couples to join in for free samples to further create interaction between customers and suppliers. Find Wed further hopes to assist suppliers with improving the quality of their services, and therefore offer individual training courses and counseling on marketing and promotion methods as well as providing assistance with obtaining relevant licenses and certifications.

"Success often depends on taking that one additional step more," concluded Wei. Regardless of whether in regards to collaborating with suppliers or meeting the needs of couples, what Find Wed truly has done is simply helping others think one step further, letting everyone that uses Find Wed leave satisfied!


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