
With Vis-a-Vis writing the perfect report is made easy

Li Shuzhong Tera-Asper Chairman

Having an intuitive sales reporting system is crucial to the success of any small or medium sized enterprise, bringing greater efficiency and flexibility.

- Li Shuzhong Tera-Asper Chairman

Having an intuitive sales reporting system is crucial to the success of any small or medium sized enterprise, bringing greater efficiency and flexibility.

- Li Shuzhong Tera-Asper Chairman
There is no translation available.

Having an intuitive sales reporting system is crucial to the success of any small or medium sized enterprise, bringing greater efficiency and flexibility. Tera-Asper is a firm specializing in the development and implementation of enterprise software in a variety of fields. Facing requests from a wide variety of customers with differing needs, Tera-Asper needed a way to ensure consistency and quality throughout its teams’ reporting. “What’s important is to have a methodical and organized reporting system. Without quality organization reports are useless to the team.”

One Solution, Every Platform

Vis-a-Vis has been designed from the bottom-up to meet these needs. By giving sales managers easy customization over report format, allowing the creation of highly specific and highly standardized reports, Vis-a-Vis takes the frustration and guess work out of legacy systems. A discussion system within reports brings the entire team into the action, allowing superior coordination.

Native applications for Android and iOS make using Vis-a-Vis a breeze from phone, tablet, or computer – it’s where you need it when you need it. “Sales can use Vis-a-Vis through smartphone or tablet, making it convenient to stay up to date and respond to their progress. Vis-a-Vis also has a forwarding function and discussion areas which helps logistics personnel receive vital information immediately.” Chairman Li added.

Teamwork Brings Success

“I’m happy that my supervisor can comment directly on my reports, which really improves the learning curve.” said Ms. Lin of Tera-Asper’s sales department. “Using Vis-a-Vis, the entire staff can stay up-to-date on our latest deals as well as weekly and monthly reports.

We use the indicators to sort our reports into useful classifications like ‘budgets’, ‘competitors’, ‘proposals’, etc. If I miss something my supervisors can easily remind me through Vis-a-Vis.” She also praised Vis-a-Vis as a valuable training tool. “After using Vis-a-Vis our newest sales team member quickly understood our entire selling process.”


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