
Cloud Based Reporting System Helps Make Telemarketing a Breeze

Lee Jia-Min Sundin Development CEO

"The best part about the cloud is that it is cheaper because no hardware is required. Vis-a-Vis costs less than 5,000 NTD to use, and helps the company bring in 250,000 of revenue a month. Proving that choosing the right tool can indeed be a great boon to your sales team.

- Lee Jia-Min Sundin Development CEO

"The best part about the cloud is that it is cheaper because no hardware is required. Vis-a-Vis costs less than 5,000 NTD to use, and helps the company bring in 250,000 of revenue a month. Proving that choosing the right tool can indeed be a great boon to your sales team.

- Lee Jia-Min Sundin Development CEO

Rapid growth of small-to-mid sized companies, are often accompanied with an important issue. That is, when an organization and sales volume grows to a certain size, the amount of data that needs to be processed also increases. Information becomes scattered between each department and the management tools that were used during the company's infancy are no longer able to keep up. At the same time, the cost of implementing larger information management systems often make it difficult for these small-mid sized companies to take a foot forward.

Sundin Development primary business is to provide other small-to-mid sized businesses with handling of electronic transactions, online purchasing and telemarketing services. With the fastest expanding customer base, telemarketing services gradually became the most integral portion of Sundin's operations. To effectively manage and coordinate data from their sales and service divisions, the company realized that Excel and slips of paper was no longer able to meet their current needs. Still, large CRM systems are often too complex and too expensive to use.

One of GSS's promotional activities managed to reach Sundin Development's CEO Lee Jia-Min who then signed up for the Vis-a-Vis Report Management Service. Lee managed to use Vis-a-Vis to solve the following of their company's problems:


Vis-a-Vis provides telemarketers with a platform that can be customized in advance. Every single step of Sindun's SOP for telemarketing can be added directly as a field into the report templates. Time no longer has to be taken to change screens. "Vis-a-Vis" reminds telemarketing associates of when to say what, what questions to ask, what should be recorded, and how to assign work. This ensures that every step of SOP can be adhered to and followed without having to continuously self-check. The time saved allows employees for additional time to make more detailed reports and records of their work.


When on the phone with clients, telemarketers don't have time to remember what kind of details they should make records of. That is mainly due to the fact that the type of responses they receive vary greatly between clients. Aside from testing the employee's on the spot thinking ability, it is also a way to see the employee's sales ability. Aside from an SOP for what to say, the SOP for what to record should also be placed directly into Vis-a-Vis with a reminder for everything that needs to be recorded. In this way, the important four Whys and one How, Who, Where, When, Why, How are never missed. Using Vis-a-Vis makes telemarketing a breeze.

Easy Work Assigning

In the end, when work needed to be assigned, we found that Vis-a-Vis did not have a built-in work assigning function. But we did find that the customizable fields feature could let us place the person we wanted to match the job to into a new field. We could then select the person we wanted from the pull-down menu. Once the person who has been assigned a job logs in, they can just click on their own names to see any tasks assigned to them. It can be no clearer! Who would've thought that user names could be assigned as fields for a template to solve such a problem. This further helps show that the extremely flexible design of Vis-a-Vis allows for an unlimited number of ways to put it into practical use.

Sundin's CEO Lee further mentioned that, "With Facebook surpassing 500 million users, online marketing has become wildly popular. Taiwan's small-to-mid sized companies have also slowly turned towards using online marketing strategies. "What we sell is a service, we must always be a step in front of our clients." But for a small-mid sized company with limited amounts of manpower, along with competition from e-commerce platforms and merchandising warehouses, being quick on their feet is the only way to stand out. Sundin uses cloud management platforms such as GSS's Vis-a-Vis to create an effective and uniform standard for their telemarketers to refer to, allowing them to create complete customer information profiles on the cloud in only 3 minutes, making information much more transparent for sharing and processing." Lee emphasizes that, "The best part about the cloud is that it is cheaper because no hardware is required. Vis-a-Vis costs less than 5,000 NTD to use, and helps the company bring in 250,000 of revenue a month. Proving that choosing the right tool can indeed be a great boon to your sales team.


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