使用服務 VIdegree

Contribute to Social Welfare through Consumer Action, VIdegree Helps Create New Business Model

Wu Huan-Yu lac99 Winner’s System Co., Ltd General Manager

How should training be provided to the staff? Luckily, "Not only does GSS hold training courses on how to use their service on a monthly basis, they are also always willing to provide professional consultation services. VIdegree also comes with a built-in user manual and video tutorials. The excellent support from GSS's customer support team helped us quickly get everyone on track with using VIdegree which drastically improved our member management efficiency!"

- Wu Huan-Yu lac99 Winner’s System Co., Ltd General Manager

How should training be provided to the staff? Luckily, "Not only does GSS hold training courses on how to use their service on a monthly basis, they are also always willing to provide professional consultation services. VIdegree also comes with a built-in user manual and video tutorials. The excellent support from GSS's customer support team helped us quickly get everyone on track with using VIdegree which drastically improved our member management efficiency!"

- Wu Huan-Yu lac99 Winner’s System Co., Ltd General Manager
Combining their e-commerce platform with "VIdegree Customer Relationship Management" to give them a cloud CRM advantage, the lac99 Social Welfare Alliance has achieved the goals of both being socially responsible and business revenue by involving the public, cooperating with social welfare organizations, and sticking to the concept of professional management. lac99 has managed to create a new business model, conducting business in the interest of social welfare. The CEO of lac99, Wu Huan-Yu says with a smile, "VIdegree has undoubtedly been a crucial piece of the puzzle in establishing the lac99 social welfare platform!"

lac99's social welfare platform operates under the idea of contributing to the welfare of society through consumer action. The platform is mainly comprised of individual sponsors, sponsoring companies or organizations, and public interest groups. The social welfare platform provides sponsoring businesses with a sales channel, then when individual sponsors purchase a product from a sponsoring company, they are able to designate that a portion of the money be donated to a public interest group of their choosing. Linking sponsor-recipients in such a multi-layered way makes management of information regarding all parties included in the network that much more complex. It is by using VIdegree's tagging and advanced search features that lac99 is able to streamline the immense amount of data in their database to quickly screen for relevant information.

Initially, lac99 tried using a variety of tools, even developing their own membership management system, but were unable to come up with a complete solution for the management of members who hold multiple roles. It was later in a chance encounter that Wu Huan-Yu got a chance to try "VIdegree Customer Relationship Management." Yu found VIdegree to be amazing, and proclaims that, "All the other management tools were unable to define and group members who played multiple roles. VIdegree on the other hand could group them using user-defined tags, then utilize purchase records to further categorize them by purchase type, customer type, product type or business type so that we could then screen for the information we wanted in relevance to each situation. Furthermore, the VIdegree user interface is extremely intuitive and smooth to use. All of the above are the main reasons VIdegree was so attractive to me!"

The first issue Yu ran into during the implementation of VIdegreedue was due to the different levels of computer know-how between employees. How should training be provided to the staff? Luckily, "Not only does GSS hold training courses on how to use their service on a monthly basis, they are also always willing to provide professional consultation services. VIdegree also comes with a built-in user manual and video tutorials. The excellent support from GSS's customer support team helped us quickly get everyone on track with using VIdegree which drastically improved our member management efficiency!"

Manager Wu further stresses that, "The flexible customer tagging management feature is one of the best things about VIdegree!" The main scenarios Wu applies the feature to are for coordinating lectures and for member care:

Application Scenario 1 - Coordination of Lectures: During the preparatory stage of lecture events, tags are used as conditions for advanced search to screen for lists of suitable participants according to the nature of the lectures. eDMs are then sent to the members on the list inviting them to participate. After each lecture, Wu then uses tags to compile and analyze participants reasons for attending, further narrowing down target member groups for more accurate future screening.   

Application Scenario 2 - Member Care: In caring for their members, Manager Wu uses monthly consumption records as conditions for analysis to find members who have yet to meet a certain quota for the month. VIdegree can then be used to send these members regards or promotional messages. Along with the use of scripts, special attention and care can be paid to these members automatically. The member network connections chart is also used to more directly contact and increase interaction with members.!

Up until now, lac99 has used VIdegree for a period of only 4 months, yet can already use VIdegree to organize and manage their bulging member base neatly into different groups. Furthermore, in the company's situation where there is a limited amount of manpower, VIdegree has helped to raise work efficiency by a great deal. Taking the above into consideration, Wu concludes the following about VIdegree, "lac99 is a public interest e-commerce platform, all our members, suppliers and public interest groups involved are highly interactive and closely connected to each other. VIdegree has played an important intermediary role in helping create links between all the different parties. To lac99, VIdegree is not simply a cloud CRM system, but an important bridge between the lac99 public interest platform and other highly important connections!"

VIdegree is a customer relationship management service, but its function does not just end there. It also has the capacity to help users execute advanced marketing strategies and business operations management. Not only can VIdegree indirectly help establish a better business image for the company by strengthening customer recognition and approval for the company, it can also increase the frequency of interactions to create deep lasting business to client relationships. VIdegree allows businesses to grow with no loss of customer service quality, and that is what makes VIdegree a must have tool!



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