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l   應用情境一-講座辦理:在講座前的活動籌備階段,根據講座的性質與主題,以標籤條件搭配進階搜尋方式篩選出符合該次活動訴求的目標會員名單,再寄送eDM邀請會員參加活動。講座會後,吳經理以標籤的聚落分析彙整參與活動原因,把會員消費傾向及目標精準化。

l   應用情境二-會員關懷:在會員關懷的部分,吳經理以月消費記錄為分析條件,找出一個月內未滿一定額度的會員,透過VIdegree發送行銷文宣、聯繫腳本自動關懷,此外也運用人脈網絡關係圖,更直接地與會員接觸和互動!





Big Apple Cycling Team Mr. Cheng Ji-Yuan & Ms. Li Yong-Xian
Big Apple Cycling Team Members Grow Tenf...

"Because GSS's cloud based service is continuously kept up to date, the system continues to become better and better at meeting the needs of its users. What's best is that there is no added fee required to enjoy the updates. Reshaping conceptions of cycling as something that is healthy and for everyone, is something my wife and I are both passionate about. We want to thank the team behind VIdegree for allowing us to focus on our members and cycling. They've given us much more time to share our interests with a greater amount of people."

客戶消費精準掌控 資料整合一把罩
GOMINI淘寶國際有限公司 經理 魏敬哲
客戶消費精準掌控 資料整合一把罩

魏經理肯定的說:「簡單卻瑣碎的事就交給Vital CRM,為我們省下整合資料庫的時間成本,讓團隊把心力放維繫客戶上,創造更高的企業價值!」對於GOMINI來說,銷售不單只是個過程,而是更深層的情感交流,這也是驅使GOMINI持續成長的最大動力!

Head Nurse of Raphael Clinic Bunny
Returning customers of clinic increase d...

Bunny said "After we use this cloud-based CRM service, VIdegree, it not only helps our clinic to manage medical records step by step but also replaces paper medical records and Excel files. The most important thing is budget control of IT manpower and high cost reduced. We can use VIdegree service in a very short time and it totally fits our clinic’s demand."

Chinatrust Real Estate Co. Zhongli Location Real Estate Manager Huang Jing-Yan
Cloud Based CRM Helps Carefully Maintain...

All of his customers' needs or requirements are recorded using VIdegree as pending/to do tasks as reminders to himself. Just because a customer has viewed an estate, doesn't mean his job is done. Clients are often not satisfied, or still have additional needs. If only paper records are made, it is very easy to forget certain important details resulting in missed sales opportunities. "VIdegree's "pending tasks" notifies and reminds me of tasks on the services main page, by email, and mobile push notifications. These reminders help me keep customer wishes on my mind at all times, until I find exactly what they need. And that is how I like to close all my cases."