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  • 客戶關懷對象僅針對特定客戶,忽略一般客戶,導致客戶回購率偏低。
  • 利用紙本、電話、手寫卡片關懷客戶,人力、費用成本高但回饋低。
  • 鐘錶品牌及款式種類繁多須即時且同步更新產品資訊給三家門市。


  • 產品管理:
    透過 Vital CRM 自訂標籤及擴充欄位功能分類鐘錶品牌及款式,同步至雲端讓每間店在最短時間內同步最新資訊。
  • 客戶關係管理:
  • 客戶經營方面:
  • 建立一套標準的管理流程,包括服務管理及新客戶管理。

基山鐘錶打從使用Vital CRM開始,便計劃性地從客戶經營、內部流程、消費記錄、分眾行銷到精準行銷建立一套標準的管理流程,並套用到既有客戶服務管理和新客戶的關係建立,並計劃將來進行節慶行銷與異業合作,讓服務更多元、更精緻!

基山鐘錶成立於 1950 年,深耕基隆服務廣大鐘錶愛好者逾一甲子,歷經基隆早期的興盛與衰退,見證當今的復甦與繁榮。蘊含歷史的老字號鐘錶店,迄今仍屹立不搖絕非僥倖,除了深厚的專業服務及維修技能,客戶的互動與關懷更是成就基山鐘錶的核心價值。


過去 60 多年的客戶經營過程中,基山鐘錶不外乎透過紙本記錄、電話連絡維繫客戶關係,而 VIP 客戶則是進一步手寫卡片進行關懷,但這些客戶關懷僅針對特定的高階族群,不但人力、費用的成本高、回饋效益低,還無法照顧為數眾多的一般客戶,導致客戶回購率偏低,這是基山鐘錶在客戶經營上面臨最大挑戰。

Vital CRM 解決 9 成以上客戶經營與營運管理問題

基山鐘錶第二代老闆朱維綱生於資訊世代,深刻體認資訊管理的重要性,朱老闆曾在 CRM(客戶關係管理)與 POS(銷售時點情報系統)兩個資訊系統間抉擇,經過多次的評比與研究,朱老闆考量了導入成本、雲端靈活度及公司信譽等因素,最後決定導入叡揚資訊的『標籤分眾行銷』。朱老闆:「 Vital CRM 能幫我解決 9 成以上的客戶經營與營運管理問題,光這點就足以讓我動心!」。由於叡揚資訊的 Vital CRM 提供免費試用、客服支援及實機操作課程,而友善的使用介面,讓朱老闆在導入前即可深入了解產品是否符合公司需求,以最合理的成本實現最高的效益!

產品管理、客戶關係管理、客戶經營 三管齊下


產品管理方面:需依據鐘錶品牌及價格級距劃分,但由於鐘錶品牌及款式種類繁多,因此要能同時兼顧產品分類及同步非常困難。但透過 Vital CRM 的自訂標籤及擴充欄位,可針對品牌及款式精確分類,並同步至雲端,讓每間店在最短時間同步最新資訊。

客戶關係管理:透過 Vital CRM 完整記載每位客戶的基本資料、喜好品牌、款式類型、消費行為及服務內容……等,讓門市人員在第一時間能清楚了解客戶的購買歷程及偏好。


系統性建立管理流程 向更多元與精緻服務邁進

朱老闆進一步指出:「鐘錶的回購與保養週期大約在 1 年至 1 年半間,雖然目前還無法準確評估 Vital CRM 實質營收是否有顯著的幫助,但值得肯定的是我們節省了行政管理的時間與營運成本,以及作業流程的改善,相對而言真是太有價值了!」

「我們 60 年來都沒有做好行銷!」朱老闆笑著說。即便如此,朱老闆卻非常清楚行銷的重要性。所以,基山鐘錶打從使用 Vital CRM 開始,便計劃性地從客戶經營、內部流程、消費標籤分眾行銷到精準行銷建立一套標準的管理流程,並套用到既有客戶服務管理和新客戶的關係建立,並計劃將來進行節慶行銷與異業合作,讓服務更多元、更精緻!


Bliss Nails & Spa Store Manager Zhang Pei-Ran
Providing the Vision Necessary for Preci...

"Regardless of the fact that it initially took a week's time to transfer customer information that was all previously written by hand and stored in files on paper into the new system, it was definitely still worth it. Going paperless to eliminate storage space for all the paper had the added benefit of making the store much tidier. It also became much easier to find a customer's information, which also made it easier to differentiate between customers. We no longer embarrass ourselves from time to time by calling a customer the wrong name," jokes Zhang.

VBONE Pets Life CEO Wu Yu-Ting
Operating and Managing on the Cloud Help...

What makes the pet industry special is that the customer paying for the service, is typically not the one who receives the service (the pet does). A single customer might own several pets at the same time. The owner's family might also bring the pets in to the store to buy stuff or receive care. The multiple different relationships of a pet with its owner or several owners can become difficult to keep track of. Most standard CRM systems are unable to account for such all the different connections between pet and owner/owners. But VIdegree allows users to freely add new fields or columns to record the name of each pet. This feature can also be combined with the tagging feature to label the service needs and commonly purchased items of each pet a customer owns along with other information such as the breed of the dog and the customer's rating. Such features help easily organize the identity of the pet, the identity of the customer, and the service or goods required in relation to each other. This service improvement is only made possible by the fact that VIdegree allows for the addition of new fields and also its tagging feature.

Petsquare Tony
Pet Hotel Makes Use of Cloud Management ...

Since implementing "VIdegree Customer Relationship Management," part of the daily routine of Petsquare staff has included using VIdegree to make note of details regarding every customer that visits the store. Tony, the store manager, shares with us that, "We make sure to enter every bit of information into the system so that staff from the next shift can directly view the pet pick-up and drop off schedule for that day using the VIdegree work calendar. They can also at the same time see the status of every single pet directly through the system. No additional phone calls or notes left on pieces of paper need to be made. Everyone can just view any information they need in one place directly from the system. It is very convenient!"

Head Nurse of Raphael Clinic Bunny
Returning customers of clinic increase d...

Bunny said "After we use this cloud-based CRM service, VIdegree, it not only helps our clinic to manage medical records step by step but also replaces paper medical records and Excel files. The most important thing is budget control of IT manpower and high cost reduced. We can use VIdegree service in a very short time and it totally fits our clinic’s demand."

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