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  • 定期與客戶接觸並進行成效分析:
    以 VIdegree 愛客戶發送電子報或簡訊定期與客戶溝通,從發送成效分析評估每期電子報效益,適時調整行銷方向與策略,拉近與客戶的距離。
  • 記錄客戶歷程及進行標籤分類:
    透過 VIdegree 詳實記錄客戶狀況並標籤分類,提供圓子夢團隊更有效率地針對不同狀況的客戶進行深度溝通與輔助。


 wishpower 9d6a2






營運、管理在雲端 服務精緻受好評
VBONE寵物生活館執行長 吳雨庭
營運、管理在雲端 服務精緻受好評


The Baton Project Executive Secretary Cai Wan-Ling
Cloud Based CRM Service Helps Take the P...

Thinking back, Brenda states that, "The best thing about VIdegree are its tagging and memo features." Previously, constituent names and information were organized using Excel. At the time, in order to categorize volunteers into groups, we had to repeatedly copy and paste every any new pieces of information into multiple lists of names. It was a pain to manage. Furthermore, adjusting fields was always a complex task due to often having to record information that doesn’t fit easily into any specific field. Now, using the tagging feature, we are able to quickly perform multidimensional grouping. For example, using, "area supported" in addition to "18 school zones" can be used to categorize or group supporting volunteers. This allows the organization to not only easily gather the necessary manpower for events, but can also be used to match volunteer's from different disciplines to students with specific interests. Proudly, Brenda exclaims that, "Establishing an extensive and efficient volunteer database, is crucial to allowing us to effectively provide students with the 'living book' experience. It is also one of the reasons why so many schools have been happy to cooperate with us!"

客戶消費精準掌控 資料整合一把罩
GOMINI淘寶國際有限公司 經理 魏敬哲
客戶消費精準掌控 資料整合一把罩

魏經理肯定的說:「簡單卻瑣碎的事就交給Vital CRM,為我們省下整合資料庫的時間成本,讓團隊把心力放維繫客戶上,創造更高的企業價值!」對於GOMINI來說,銷售不單只是個過程,而是更深層的情感交流,這也是驅使GOMINI持續成長的最大動力!

Nan Shan Life Insurance Da Wang Service Location Regional Manager Huang Zheng-Xiong
Improved Customer Service Ratings by 70%...

"Since using VIdegree, I've increased the margin of tasks I'm able to handle in a day. Previously, 60% of my time was taken up just responding to clients' questions. Now, thanks to the systematic reminder service, several issues are taken care of early on. The number of customer emergencies have dropped from 8~10 cases a day to 3~5. Now over 70% of my time can be spent on marketing and building better relationships with clients. I no longer need to spend all my time trying to put out fires and making a mess of everything. The best part is that my relationships with my clients are better than ever, and they have become increasingly willing to refer their friends and family to me." In other words, the regional manager of Nan Shan Life Insurance at the Da Wang service location whole heartedly recommends VIdegree.