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以前,客戶資料可能散落在不同台電腦、形形色色的便條文件裡、業 務行政腦裡,或是隨著時間的拉長,遺忘到不留痕跡!花上雅表示,客戶名單一直都是所有產業的基本核心,捷揚2但這些資料往往被僵制的Excel、紙本工具給箝制住,變得資訊落後、無人更正、難以搜尋、 分類不易。「但是VIdegree這套雲端CRM系統, 客戶所有資料可以統整在一個資料庫裡,不同的業務人員都可以透過搜尋找到客戶、更正註記功能讓資料更完善、自訂標籤讓客戶分類更清楚!」這些是傳統紙本無法達到的功能,她補充說明。




老字號開創新服務 Vital CRM重新定義客戶服務
基山鐘錶 老闆 朱維綱
老字號開創新服務 Vital CRM重新定義客戶服務

基山鐘錶打從使用Vital CRM開始,便計劃性地從客戶經營、內部流程、消費記錄、分眾行銷到精準行銷建立一套標準的管理流程,並套用到既有客戶服務管理和新客戶的關係建立,並計劃將來進行節慶行銷與異業合作,讓服務更多元、更精緻!

Nan Shan Life Insurance Da Wang Service Location Regional Manager Huang Zheng-Xiong
Improved Customer Service Ratings by 70%...

"Since using VIdegree, I've increased the margin of tasks I'm able to handle in a day. Previously, 60% of my time was taken up just responding to clients' questions. Now, thanks to the systematic reminder service, several issues are taken care of early on. The number of customer emergencies have dropped from 8~10 cases a day to 3~5. Now over 70% of my time can be spent on marketing and building better relationships with clients. I no longer need to spend all my time trying to put out fires and making a mess of everything. The best part is that my relationships with my clients are better than ever, and they have become increasingly willing to refer their friends and family to me." In other words, the regional manager of Nan Shan Life Insurance at the Da Wang service location whole heartedly recommends VIdegree.

lac99 Winner’s System Co., Ltd General Manager Wu Huan-Yu
Contribute to Social Welfare through Con...

How should training be provided to the staff? Luckily, "Not only does GSS hold training courses on how to use their service on a monthly basis, they are also always willing to provide professional consultation services. VIdegree also comes with a built-in user manual and video tutorials. The excellent support from GSS's customer support team helped us quickly get everyone on track with using VIdegree which drastically improved our member management efficiency!"

iChange CEO Stark
Emphasize Customer Relationship Manageme...

"Previously, when we used EXCEL to manage customer information, we were unable to effectively organize them by category. Now using GSS's VIdegree, we are able to create very precise tag settings so that when searching for customer information, we can more quickly and accurately find products suited for a specific customer group according to different purchasing records, age groups, occupations, salary, or relationship status and etc. It really is very convenient." To Stark it is of extreme importance to understand the needs of the company's loyal and core customers in order to provide them with products best suited to them.